

Platform is about a humane, democratic process for egalitarian social change in America.

Democratic Egalitarianism is a belief in human equality and opportunity especially with respect to the social, political, and economic lives of a nation’s people.

Platform points directly at a new and virulent strain of post-colonial feudalism that has evolved in our country from its inception 243 years ago. The result is a new class society — the New Feudalism — comprised of a minority class of billionaire industrialists, a lower wealthy class of multi-millionaires, and a vast and growing population of the near poor, poor, and homeless. 100 million Americans — a third of our entire population — now teeter on the brink of poverty. 40 million are impoverished and dependent on a demeaning welfare system. Up to a million more have now fallen into the ranks of the homeless. Americans are a vulnerable society slowly spiraling into poverty, taking our polluted environment with us.

Platform proposes 24 Egalitarian Objectives to change the course of our descent:

Egalitarian Obectives

  1. Healthcare — a right, not a privilege
  2. Government jobs: 50% are women
  3. Abolish the electoral college, end proxy rule
  4. Department of peace and freedom
  5. Elected positions: 50% are women
  6. No wars except by vote of the people
  7. Fusion of free-enterprise & socialism
  8. “People’s Platforms,” end political parties
  9. Abolish our mass incarceration penal system
  10. National free meal program for everyone
  11. Home ownership: a right, not a privilege
  12. All education: a right, not a privilege
  13. Living wage for all: a right, not a privilege
  14. Abolish all government welfare programs
  15. Prisons and jails are no place for women
  16. Pass the Equal Rights Amendment
  17. Create a Green Society
  18. Homelessness: eliminate, not criminalize
  19. Decriminalize drug addiction
  20. Abortion and People’s Rights
  21. First Amendment: Church and State
  22. Second Amendment: Right to Bear Arms
  23. Mandatory non-military community service
  24. Egalitarian Marriages